Nickel-plated brass ball valve
Ball valve with thread
Technical specifications:

Slow-moving inventory, available for this price, while the product is in stock!!

For more information request our data sheet, it is available to anyone.

slow in tock - discount price - ball valve with thread

Storage lots, splitting of the packages are possible.  Meantime, we hold the right of selling the stock in products.

KivitelMéretCikkszám Quote
request for the entire size scale
külső - külső menetes, nikkelezett réz1.1/4"  + 1.1/4"  (DN 32) 800094 Request a quote
belső - belső menetes, nikkelezett réz1/4" + 1/4" (DN6)804257 Request a quote
külső – belső menetes, nikkelezett réz3/8” + 3/8” (DN10)101145 Request a quote